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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Categories Installation
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 24, 2020

Spotfire Server - Official procedure for refreshing databases

Could TIBCO provide some official guidance on how to refresh a Spotfire database in the Test environment with data from Production environment? As per the issues seen and the information received, there is no such guidance in place. IDs are carried over and this could be problematic. Should the Spotfire database itself contain more tables or fields to make some smooth database refresh? For the library, using the Export and Import functions would not be an option, as the last modified information would be set to the user making the import.

Thank you for your consideration.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Feb 17, 2020

    Hi Miguel,

    I want to copy the full environment (analyses, deployment areas and so on) over to another environment (Production -> Test), right before a Spotfire update. The most important would be the library, keeping all the metadata (last modified by and others). The Export / Import function from the library does not keep this data.

    Thank you.

    Kind regards,


  • Admin
    Miguel Diez
    Feb 5, 2020

    Hi Xavier,

    What is what you are trying to do ?

    Is it for migrating the library analysis between environments ? (i.e. testing -> production) Or is it other data you want to migrate ?