Hi Team,
Is there any way to keep the data functions secure (where user who created the script only need to view it or modify the same and other user who have analyst license in the same server should not have access to view the function)?
For example :
We have added user to the “Browse + Access” section under folder where user(with Analyst License) can able to view report and data functions, but user can’t able to save the data function or report in this particular folder since they don’t have modify access, but they are allowed to save the script in other folder where they have modify access or local in there respective systems. Since user are allowed to view the script security of the data function is missing here.
So is there any way to restrict to view the data function for particular report by the internal spotfire group.
If the Execute Data Function license feature is not granted, data functions cannot be accessed from the f(x) flyout, and the Settings button for data tables based on data functions in the Data > Data Table Properties dialog is not available.
Even if users do not have this feature, however, existing analyses that contain predicted columns will continue to function and update based on the data as necessary. (That is, the underlying data functions continue to work.)
I'm setting this idea as Already exists based on my previous answer. Please re-open if it does not solve your request. In this case, I would be happy to have a short discussion with you.
Hello Jagadish and thank you for submitting this idea.
Have you looked at the "Execute Data Functions" feature as part of the Spotfire Advanced Analytics license? see documentation here: https://docs.tibco.com/pub/spotfire_server/latest/doc/html/TIB_sfire_server_tsas_admin_help/server/topics/spotfire_advanced_analytics_license.html
Please let me know if this solved you request. If not, I would be happy to have a short call with you to learn more.