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Expanded control of Curve/Line labels

It would be extremely helpful if users can be granted significantly greater control over the formatting and placement of labels placed on plots. It is very common that labels are either cut off, in the wrong location (sometimes directly swapped with other curve labels, causing confusion) or overlapping datapoints/obscuring important information. This makes sharing data analysis a much more painful process than it should be.

Helpful features in this regard:
- to be able to manually move labels around within a plot and have th e position remain
- set label locations to display based on different presets (i.e. to the left of a plot, or to the right)
- have greater control over the orientation (i.e. rotation) of the label

  • Idea added 4/25/2022

    • add the ability to control to select which specific colors/panels you want to display certain curves on, rather then it being all or none (i.e. I want to show the red and blue curves, but not hte green, while still including the green colored points in my plot)

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    • Guest
      Mar 17, 2022

      This idea rang a bell with me and thanks to the search I found two identical ideas, one by some mysterious "Mark Herrmann" ;-)

      Happy voting :-)

    • Guest
      Mar 17, 2022

      It would also be helpful if labels would automatically take the colour of the line they are associated with as to avoid confusion (must have). If one could manually edit the colour that would be nice to have.