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Improve autozoom feature to be more e.g. Google maps

I am trying to use the map function of spotfire to show things on a map given latitude and longitude.

This works fine when autozoom is enabled. Autozoom automatically find the data points and show them.
Firstly, if however I want to change the zooming I now have to go to Properties --> Appearance --> and deselect Autozoom.
Would it be possible to have a checkbox on the visualization itself to enable/disable autozoom so we do not have to go so deep in the menus every time we want to move the map around a bit.
Secondly, when I deselect Autozoom, the map automatically moves to the last spot I was using manual zoom. This is unfortunate behavior as the autozoom is useful for locating a specific set of data points in a large map. If the map moves when autozoom is disabled to move around the area it becomes completely useless.
Please change the behavior of Autozoom such that disabling autozoom does not move the map immediately.
Implemented in 10.7
    Jan 13, 2020

    In Spotfire 7.10 we added ability to enable/disable auto-zoom directly from the map chart contextual menu. It is much faster to switch between the 2 navigations modes.

    In Spotfire 10.7, you can now zoom and pan the map when the Auto-Zoom feature is enabled. See what's new in Spotfire 10.7 here:

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    • Admin
      Arnaud Varin
      Jan 13, 2020

      Released in Spotfire 10.7. See what's new in Spotfire 10.7 here:

    • Guest
      Sep 7, 2016

      Aggre the map zooming needs improvement. One option would be to allow manual manipulation of the map view while auto zoom is enabled. Auto zoom would then only do something when data changes. 

      Similarly one could have a "zoom to data" and/or "zoom to selection" button available in the manual mode.