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More control over how bookmarks are displayed and shared

Bookmarks - useful as they can drive user to a pre-defined view (even selects the right columns for a table). The use case is really about being able to predefine set views that are rule driven so that users can apply them easily instead of walking through a set of clicks to the get there. The other use case is that users want to capture insights - the intended use. So we have two use cases. However, Problem is that now users go and add their own and we get a mix between base ones and user added ones. If you have more than 5 bookmarks you are toast - no grouping, sort, search, sharing at different levels, no description/details.

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    • Guest
      May 3, 2018

      There is another idea of bringing back folder structures that would allow users to create folders for bookmark organization that aligns with this idea.  This is highly requested by our users and customers because having just a single list of bookmarks by name is very difficult to manage after that number gets larger than 5 or so.