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Ability to embedded Bookmarks in report

Spotfire should be able to save bookmarks in DXP report instead of database, to make it faster in case of many bookmarks.

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    • Guest
      Jan 30, 2019

      Hi Niklas,


      Yes, we want an option to save bookmark into the dxp report like embedded data/file option.

    • Admin
      Niklas Amberntsson
      Jan 29, 2019

      Hi Kushal, thanks for providing more detail about the issue. I then take it that you would like the bookmarks to just be part of the DXP and not in the library, in order to speed up the loading process?

    • Guest
      Jan 29, 2019

      Hi Niklas,

      We got below response from Perkin Elmer for same query;

      To address your specific questions:

      - Why it is taking longer time to load bookmarks(min. 3 to 5min).


      As I stated in my original e-mail, this is down to the volume of bookmarks you have within your database. The best option would be to go through the bookmarks and delete the ones which are no longer necessary. Please use the script I provided previously to list your bookmarks in the database.

      - What is the exact background process if someone click on Web player(7.11) report’s bookmark option.

         After clicking on bookmark option what exactly sql triggering to Spotfire database.


      There is no specific background process that relates to the loading of bookmarks. The web page concerned issues a SOAP request to the Spotfire server for the bookmark service. This in turn will cause the spotfire server to query the database for bookmarks and return the results back to the web page.  I'm not surprised that there were no issues discovered in the database. The issue is not related to DB performance, but to the fact the bookmarks exist as individual rows in the LIB_ITEMS table. They are loaded in sequentially via a SOAP call, which can be time consuming for a large number of bookmarks. 


      - Is there any way to use embedded option for bookmark, if not then is it possible to get hotfix on this.


      This does not exist, neither does any hotfix as there is no issue TIBCO need to address via a hotfix. The primary cause of the issue is the number of bookmarks associated with the analysis. 

    • Admin
      Niklas Amberntsson
      Nov 12, 2018

      Kushal, the bookmarks are stored in the DXP file as well as in the library. This is how they work when you are offline. What is your use case?