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Streamline communication of changes when new versions are released

Thoroughly understanding changes to the software when new versions are released is currently very difficult.  For the 7.9 release, I found three TIBCO websites that had varying levels of detail explaining the changes, as well as the release notes.  For every new version, I spend hours looking at different websites and subsequently comparing the old version (in my current environment) to the new version (in the portable player) so that I can understand the differences.  It would be greatly appreciated if you could release two sets of information -- a high level explanation of changes and a detailed explanation of changes that show the differences (with screenshots) or video.


Thank you, Julie

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    • Guest
      Aug 29, 2019

      The what's new page gives the big changes but not smaller changes and/or admin changes.

    • Guest
      Aug 29, 2019

      That website is always incomplete.  It is one of the sources (my first source actually) that I use when looking at upgrades.  

    • Guest
      Sep 12, 2017

      Tibco's resources are spent not on Spotfire (as it is not their bread & butter platform) but the myriad of other tools they market, and acquiring more... Having attended one of their Tibco Now events you can see that there are very talented people working there and lots of good ideas are thrown around but the company's focus is elsewhere..The above proposal just demonstrates how the efforts are scattered

    • Guest
      Aug 17, 2017

      They also need to explain the 'behind the scenes' changes that they make.  In 7.7, I think it was, they changed the default mapping from HTTP to HTTPS.  No mention of it anywhere, but when I called them on it, I got an Oh, yeah, we changed that...  Those little undocumented things can have unintended consequences.

    • Guest
      Aug 16, 2017

      TIBCO needs to learn from Tableau and Microstrategy about communication means.