We have a large shared environment with something like 2,500 different Data Sources configured through Information Designer. We're finding that our servers take upwards of 20 minutes to start and believe the issue is that Spotfire Server is opening connections to all 2,500 data sources because they all have the default value of 1 for the minimum number of connections. Two requests:
Thanks - we haven't, but I think I will. That wouldn't contribute to slow starting on the servers because the setting affects what happens when users open analyses, but we have had issues in the past where the validation of on-demand links causes issues, so I think I'll disable it...
Interesting. Have you turned on demand validation off?
Thanks Christian - it's certainly a large environment :). After we researched this a little further we found that the server isn't actually making connections during server startup, but it is scanning through all the associated configuration and spending some time processing something - it's hard to tell what, but it takes it rather a long time! I have a ticket open with support trying to diagnose why our servers take so long to start and had hoped to delete this idea once I realised that it wasn't making connections - but there isn't a delete button for ideas...
Have you tried setting the data source pooling scheme to DYNAMIC?
PS: 2,500 data sources, my god! We have a large shared environment too and only use 62 data sources.