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add a parameter to specifiy parent folder for delete-library-versions command

One of our customer encountered an issue with Spotfire Server 12.0LTS that library import could be extremely slow compared to v10.10.

We consulted with TIBCO support and was told that import of IL elements could be slower due to the newly introduced library versioning functionality which seems have introduced several more repository database operations (hence slower).

Also we are told that by setting information-services.retain-original-version-after-import-validation to true, library import becomes very fast, even faster than v10.10. We have confirmed the same on our test labs.

This is good enough for our customers' use case however the drawback is that it ends up with 2 versions for each import files (information link elements).

If information elements are modified while being imported (e.g. referencing data source already exists) then the original version does not work as expected (it is exact the same as the exported one hence reference to the old data source)

We hope to delete these original version for all imported information link elements but command delete-library-versions can not do this easily.

Command delete-library-versions only accepts -q parameter which can not be used to specify "all files under certain folder recursively".

We hope TIBCO can add a parameter to specify the parent folder for delete-library-versions command so we can delete all old versions of all files under certain folder and recursively.

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