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Better display of what server you are connected to.

We have a large Spotfire setup. Our current environments count is as follows: 20 Devs, 4 UATs and 4 Productions. As such Developers and Administrators are likely to be logged to a number of environments at the time as they are constantly flipping between environments. There is however no visible information to the user on which server he is connected to. As far as we know there are two ways to find out what Server a user is connected to on the Professional client:

1) Point to the "online" word at the bottom left part of the status bar and a ballon popup dialog will display it.
2) Go to Help => Support and Diagnostics => Diagnostic Information.

Both of the above require some manual intervention and slow. This Enhancement Request is to permanently display the connected server URL into the Professional client bottom status bar next to where the word "online" is found. This will clearly indicate the environment name to the user without having to perform any further actions.

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    • Guest
      Dec 8, 2017

      That's a great idea Danilo. I really struggle to see why Tibco can't implement this idea. It is really trivial to do and it will be a quick win for developers. 

    • Guest
      Sep 19, 2017

      Would it be possible to have such information (connected user, ServerURL connected to) available as environment property so the user can use it in the dashboards (document property)?

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