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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Categories Visualization
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 28, 2017

Spreadsheet-like visualization where I can enter expressions or text for individual cells or olap like operations.

I would like to have a spreadsheet-like visualization (think Excel) where I can manually specify content for individual cells. This would allow me to tailor views of data in the exact way that I need. You should be able to refer to other cells in the spreadsheet, and of course insert any calculated value in any cell of the spreadsheet. In such expressions, it must be possible to refer to other cells in a relative or absolute fashion.

It should also be possible to manually enter/paste text or numbers in any cells.

In a crosstable, I need to show the aggregated vales (mostly sum) of selected categories in a hierarchy or intersection. This is similar to what one can do in most OLAP cubes.

I also need to be able to show things like all unique values from any column in my Spotfire data table in a column or row in the spreadsheet.

This will provide a lot of flexibility towards creating exacter solutions for users.