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how to remove 'update dialog'

After new modules are deployed at Spotfire Server, we can see 'update' dialog when log-in to Spotfire Analyst.

Unfortunately, we cannot hide the pop-up completely. we can either make it "offline" or "Later".

When users log in, I hope the update dialog will not show up and will update automatically.

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    • Guest
      May 24, 2018

      I would like the ability to hide the Update dialog without having to do a silent update. We have some users which are in some platforms where they can't get the Spotfire client to self update itself. At the moment we handle this by having a separate deployment area and keeping them with an "old" hotfix so their clients don't prompt to update, but that requires us to set and maintain specific AD groups to this deployment area. So we would prefer to be able to set these groups as "not requiring an update". The ability to perform silent client updates seems interesting too but should be implemented with care as to not force it to all users.

    • Guest
      Dec 4, 2017

      It will be better to have the feature to silently update the clients when there is a new module deployed in the Spotfire Server

    • Guest
      Jul 6, 2017

      You seem to be asking two things here: one is to have the capability of hiding the update dialog prompt from users, whether to prevent annoying them or to prevent them updating. The second is to be able to perform silent client updates. My guess is that if the first request was implemented and you selected the Force Update option when deploying the client package in the Spotfire Server then it should silently update clients, but this will depend on how Tibco implement the first feature.