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Timeout Setting for Long Running Reports

In Spotfire enviornments, intermittenly different reports keep loading for many hours and never completes execution. However, they are expected to complete in few mins. This issue is not analysis specific as it could happen with any report.

There could be multiple contributers for this issue like network performance, communication issues with different components like Spotfire server, node manager, application database etc. As per current process, Spotfire administrator has to keep monitor enviornment and close long running/hung/pending reports from Monitoring & Diagnostics tabs.

When many such reports keep loading for hours in a particular instance, that node manager instance goes into stress state then Spotfire administrator either has to keep monitor enviornment and close long running/hung/pending reports from Monitoring & Diagnostics tabs or restart services for the particular instance.

Idle/Inactive/session timeout doesnt help here as such report status is in progress/loading. It would be good if there can be a timeout setting for long running/pending/hung reports as well, so even if report is in loading state it can be close automatically (via timeout setting).

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    • Guest
      Aug 24, 2020

      Hi Miguel,

      Thanks for checking. This issue occurs is not restricted to only scheduled update or automation service job report, it can occur to any report. We can daily see this issue, and intermittently it leads to environment performance issue. Let me know if any questions.

    • Admin
      Miguel Diez
      Aug 24, 2020

      Hi Tejal,

      Does this happen for Scheduled Updates, Automated Services or both ?

      Does this happen often ? In other environments as well ?


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