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Map | Set scale for AutoZoom

I like the AutoZoom feature on Maps. However, I like to have a control via properties to set the scale for AutoZoom.

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    • Admin
      Arnaud Varin
      Apr 21, 2020

      Thank you John. You request is now well understood and it relates to the number of zoom levels that we have currently in the Map chart which can make the zoom look too high.

    • Guest
      Apr 14, 2020

      What I like about the auto zoom feature is that there is a focused, static view. Unfortunately the zoom factor is not scalable and then much too high. I would like to have the possibility to change the zoom factor manually. Maybe comparable to the scalability of axes in diagrams.

    • Admin
      Arnaud Varin
      Apr 14, 2020

      Hello John, thank you for your contribution.
      To make sure I understand your request, can you please describe the problem that you have with today's Auto-Zoom? By "set the scale", do you mean setting the position and zoom level of the map?
      Thank you,